HP 8116A 50 MHz Pulse/Function Generator

class pymeasure.instruments.hp.HP8116A(adapter, name='Hewlett-Packard 8116A', **kwargs)

Bases: Instrument

Represents the Hewlett-Packard 8116A 50 MHz Pulse/Function Generator and provides a high-level interface for interacting with the instrument. The resolution for all floating point instrument parameters is 3 digits.

class Digit(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

Enum of the digits used with the autovernier (see HP8116A.start_autovernier()).

class Direction(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

Enum of the directions used with the autovernier (see HP8116A.start_autovernier()).


Initiate trigger via low-level GPIB-command (aka GET - group execute trigger).

property amplitude

Control the amplitude of the output in V (strict float from 10e-3 to 16). The allowed amplitude range is also limited by the current offset.

ask(command, num_bytes=None)

Write a command to the instrument, read the response, and return the response as ASCII text.

  • command – The command to send to the instrument.

  • num_bytes – The number of bytes to read from the instrument. If not specified, the number of bytes is automatically determined by the command.

property autovernier_enabled

Control whether the autovernier is enabled (bool).

property burst_number

Control the number of periods generated in a burst (strict int from 1 to 1999). It is only valid for units with Option 001 in one of the burst modes.


Check for errors in the 8116A.


list of error entries or empty list if no error occurred.

property complement_enabled

Control whether the complement of the signal is generated (bool).

property complete

Get whether the measurement is complete (bool).

property control_mode

Control the control mode of the instrument. Possible values are ‘off’, ‘FM’, ‘AM’, ‘PWM’, ‘VCO’.

property duty_cycle

Control the duty cycle of the output in percent (float). The allowed range generally is 10 % to 90 %, but it also depends on the current frequency. It is valid for all shapes except ‘pulse’, where pulse_width is used instead.

property frequency

Control the frequency of the output in Hz (strict float from 1e-3 to 52.5e6).

property haversine_enabled

Control whether a haversine/havertriangle signal is generated when in ‘triggered’, ‘internal_burst’ or ‘external_burst’ operating mode.

property high_level

Control the high level of the output in V (strict float from -7.9 to 8). The allowed high level range must be at least 10 mV greater than the low level.

property limit_enabled

Control whether parameter limiting is enabled (bool).

property low_level

Control the low level of the output in V (strict float from -8 to 7.9). The allowed low level range must be at least 10 mV less than the high level.

property offset

Control the offset of the output in V (strit float from -7.95 to 7.95). The allowed offset range is also limited by the amplitude.

property operating_mode

Control the operating mode of the instrument. Possible values (without Option 001) are: ‘normal’, ‘triggered’, ‘gate’, ‘external_width’. With Option 001, ‘internal_sweep’, ‘external_sweep’, ‘external_width’, ‘external_pulse’ are also available.

property options

Get the device options installed. The only possible option is 001.

property output_enabled

Control whether the output is enabled (bool).

property pulse_width

Control the pulse width in s (strict float from 8e-9 to 999e-3). The pulse width may not be larger than the period.

property repetition_rate

Control the repetition rate in s (i.e. the time between bursts) in ‘internal_burst’ mode (strict float from 20e-9 to 999e-3).


Initatiate a reset (like a power-on reset) of the 8116A.

property shape

Control the shape of the output waveform. Possible values are: ‘dc’, ‘sine’, ‘triangle’, ‘square’, ‘pulse’.


Gracefully close the connection to the 8116A.

start_autovernier(control, digit, direction, start_value=None)

Start the autovernier on the specified control.

  • control – The control to change, pass as HP8116A.some_control. Allowed controls are frequency, amplitude, offset, duty_cycle, and pulse_width

  • digit – The digit to change, type: HP8116A.Digit.

  • direction – The direction in which to change the control, type: HP8116A.Direction.

  • start_value – An optional value to start the autovernier at. If not specified, the current value of the control is used.

property status

Get the status byte of the 8116A as a Status IntFlag-type enum.

property sweep_marker_frequency

Control the frequency marker in both sweep modes in Hz (strict float from 1e-3 to 52.5e6). At this frequency, the marker output switches from low to high.

property sweep_start

Control the start frequency in both sweep modes in Hz (strict float from 1e-3 to 52.5e6).

property sweep_stop

Control the stop frequency in both sweep modes in Hz (strict float from 1e-3 to 52.5e6).

property sweep_time

Control the sweep time per decade in both sweep modes in s (float). The sweep time is selectable in a 1-2-5 sequence between 10 ms and 500 s.

property trigger_slope

Control the slope the trigger triggers on. Possible values are: ‘off’, ‘positive’, ‘negative’.


Write a command to the instrument and wait until the 8116A has interpreted it.